Hypermobility and fitness expert, Cat Cowey
March 24, 2022
The Movement Space
January 10, 2022
Stick Mobility: Movement Made Better Podcast
In this podcast we discuss:
01:56 - How common is hypermobility
02:52 - Long term effects of hypermobility
06:39 - Strength training with hypermobility
10:48 - Long duration isometrics
14:53 - Addressing mental barriers with hypermobile clients
19:20 - Are you hypermobile?
21:38 - Basic principles to remember with hypermobile clients
25:23 - Joint centration
29:21 - Hypermobility with relation to the cardiovascular system
39:37 - Nutrition and Sleep
April 26, 2021
Mindful Strength Podcast
Kathryn and Catherine discuss the full spectrum of joint laxity to hypermobility to other conditions like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Catherine helps to dispel many of the common misconceptions related to these conditions and how beneficial strength training can be for everyone, including folks who are clinically diagnosed with hypermobility disorder.
ACE study on Bikram Yoga
December 8, 2016
The Yoga and Movement Research Series
How does Bikram Yoga affect heart rate and core temperature?
In this episode, Ariana Rabinovitch and I review an ACE (American Council on Exercise) study, which examines the effect of Bikram yoga on core temperature, heart rate and rate of perceived exertion of 20 Bikram practitioners.
Study on Chronic Pain and Hypermobility
Ariana and I discuss an article on chronic pain and hypermobility syndrome (HMS) from the Journal of Pain Research. This article gives a thorough overview of the many kinds of hypermobility conditions and symptoms and makes it very clear that it’s a complicated subject